Feasibility studies
Will it benefit you to invest in your own water treatment plant? Or is it better to discharge the wastewater into the sewer system or have it taken away for external processing? We will help you make an informed choice. With a feasibility study, you get a global view of the best solution.
We start by analysing the available input data and to get new data if necessary. This allows us to examine the situation and define the more appropriate solution. Want us to be there with you on- site? We will be pleased to visit you and discuss the subject.
Based on this information, we will determine the technology best suited to your needs.
So we are able to give you an extensive overview of the best technologies available on the market, an accurate design and all technical specifications, complete with a statement of the price.
Optimisation studies
You have doubts about the performance of your plant? Or you think your plant can be optimised or cost reduced? Pelicano is the ideal partner to study the solutions to optimise your water treatment plant.
During an audit we will gather and analyse data about your present system. To make a good assessment of the situation, we will visit your site regularly over a defined period. We will also keep a remote watch on your water treatment plant. Based on a thorough analysis of the information that we obtain, we will identify what can be done better.
In some cases, a minor intervention is enough, other cases might request an investment. We devote a lot of attention to the technical feasibility of every solution. You will receive a detailed overview of every conceivable solution.
Optimized operation begins with a smart design
Classical activated sludge systems
SBR and UNITANK – activated sludge in discontinuous or semi-continuous systems
MBR – activated Sludge combined with membrane separation
MBBR – activated sludge in fixed film support
Disinfection technologies: UV, Chlore, Ozone
Membrane technologies: MF, UF, RO
UASB – Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor for high loaded wastewaters, biogas production and energy recovery.
ANAEROBIC DIGESTION – Completely mix anaerobic digestor for excess sludge from WWTP and co-digestion with other subproducts
Biogas cogeneration – motors and turbines
RDF production
Monitoring and process control
Monitoring for potable water systems
Industry 4.0